Fathom v0.2

component fathom.system.win

The win component provides Windows-specific utility functions.


Methods Returns Description
getCpuLoad( callback ) void static This function retrieves the client's CPU load via the wmic command.
This function is Windows-specific.


  • callback <function> The callback Fathom invokes once the call completes. If successful, the result is a dictionary with three members: "exitstatus" (the numeric exit status of the invocation), "stdout" (data rendered to standard output), and "stderr" (data rendered to standard error).
getMemLoad( callback ) void static This function retrieves the client's memory load via the systeminfo command.
This function is Windows-specific.


  • callback <function> The callback Fathom invokes once the call completes. If successful, the result is a dictionary with three members: "exitstatus" (the numeric exit status of the invocation), "stdout" (data rendered to standard output), and "stderr" (data rendered to standard error).
getProcLoad( callback ) void static This function retrieves the client's process load via the tasklist command.
This function is Windows-specific.


  • callback <function> The callback Fathom invokes once the call completes. If successful, the result is a dictionary with three members: "exitstatus" (the numeric exit status of the invocation), "stdout" (data rendered to standard output), and "stderr" (data rendered to standard error).